
Best AC Maintenance Service in Great Neck, NY

Your AC needs regular maintenance to ensure that it is running properly and efficiently. You don’t want your AC to break down in the middle of a heat wave; a routine AC tune-up performed by a professional will help you avoid it. At All Seasons Air Conditioning, we have experts you can count on to handle your AC maintenance in Great Neck, NY

Our highly-trained and experienced technicians can come to your home or business and thoroughly inspect your unit. They will clean the coils, check the refrigerant levels, and make sure that all the parts are working properly. We’ll make sure you’ll have an AC you can depend on at all times. 

AC maintenance Great Neck, NY

What’s Included in an AC Maintenance Service?

AC maintenance in Great Neck, NY usually includes a series of tasks performed by a certified technician. These tasks help to ensure that your AC system is operating efficiently and effectively. Here are some of the most common maintenance tasks:

  1. Cleaning/Replacing the Air Filter

The air filter keeps the air in your home clean and free of pollen, dust, and other particles. If the air filter is dirty, it can restrict airflow and cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary. Your technician will clean or replace (the filter replacement may have an additional cost depending on your contractor) it as needed.

  1. Cleaning of the Evaporator and Condenser Coils

The evaporator and condenser coils are responsible for transferring heat. If these coils are dirty, it can impede the heat transfer and make your AC unit work harder than necessary. Your technician will clean that as well.

  1. Checking the Thermostat (and Calibrating if needed)

The thermostat is responsible for regulating the temperature in your home. If the thermostat is not working properly, it can compromise your indoor comfort. Your AC maintenance technician in Great Neck, NY may check your thermostat and calibrate it to ensure accurate temperature reading if needed.

  1. Checking and Refilling the Refrigerant

The refrigerant is what helps your AC unit cool the air. If the refrigerant level is low, it can cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary and lead to increased energy bills. Your technician can check the refrigerant level and top it off if it’s too low. They may also fix the leak if you want to.

  1. Checkup of Electrical Connections

Over time, the electrical connections in your AC unit can become loose. This can cause several problems, including decreased efficiency and potential fire hazards. Your technician will check all connections to ensure they’re working properly and tight.

  1. Lubrication of Moving parts

All the moving parts in your AC unit need to be properly lubricated in order to operate smoothly. If these parts are not properly lubricated, it can lead to increased wear and tear, which can shorten the lifespan of your AC unit.

  1. Checking the Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit is responsible for dissipating the heat that is removed from your home. If the outdoor unit is dirty or blocked, it can cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary and lead to increased energy bills. Your technicians will check this unit to see what it needs.

  1. Inspection of the Ductwork

The ductwork is responsible for delivering the cooled air from your AC unit to the rooms in your home. If the ductwork is leaky, it can cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary and lead to increased energy bills. Your technician can inspect your ductwork and clean it if necessary.

Note that the tasks that your technician will perform will depend on what you pay for. You can discuss your needs with your chosen HVAC contractor. You can ask them what the service includes if they offer a maintenance program.

Call All Seasons Air Conditioning For Dependable AC Maintenance in Great Neck, NY!

Don’t know who to call yet? Consider our team! We’ve been in the business for over 50 years and remain committed to delivering the best AC maintenance service in Great Neck, NY and the nearby areas. We promise you the best service and customer experience.

Please don’t hesitate to talk to our experts. Call us at 631-694-1616.